Standard Wire Rope Operation Practices
PERFORM A BREAK IN PROCEDUREPerform a break-in procedure to achieve maximum service life. Run the new rope through its operating cycle several times under a light load at a reduced line speed. A light load is normally considered to be 10% of the working load limit. This allows the rope to adjust gradually to working conditions, enables the strands to become settled, and allows for slight stretching and diameter reduction to occur. USE A WIRE ROPE ONLY ON THE JOB FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDEDSometimes an idle rope from one operation is installed on another to keep the rope in continuous service. This extremely poor practice is an expensive economy. Because wire rope tends to set to the conditions of its particular job, the differing bends, abrasions and stresses of a new operation may produce premature failure. Therefore, for maximum life and efficiency, a rope should be used only on a job for which it has been specified. |
MAINTAIN EQUIPMENTWire rope performance depends upon the condition of the equipment on which it operates. Poorly maintained equipment may result in reduced service life. AVOID SLACK IN THE ROPEIn any hoisting operation, there should be no slack in the wire rope when the load is applied. Otherwise the resulting stress will be excessive. As discussed previously, shockloading is destructive and results in irreparable damage to the rope. SLOWLY LIFT OR RELEASE THE LOADOverstressing the rope is a result of too-rapid acceleration or deceleration. Wire rope will withstand considerable stress if the load is applied slowly. |